The aid projects and requests for donations are initiated by private Swiss citizens and are managed through the association (
The association has tax exempt status for your donation so that you may deduct the contributions from your taxes. The application is currently pending with the tax authorities.
Name/Registered office Association Switzerland
c/o Monika Kohler
Aeuli 12
7304 Maienfeld
+41 (0)79 331 07 33
Mona Kohler, President
Whirlwind, responsible for almost everything
Coordination of and contact with the project managers
Sören Rasmussen Secretary and treasurer
The calm pole, guardian of the finances
Monitors everything whirling about Mona
Provides structure to the project
Maria Kohler, member
Our angel and good fairy
Ensures we maintain high moral standards
Association physiotherapist, massages us into shape
Our coordinators on the ground in Nepal
Mr. Kul Prasad Gautam, Pokhara
Mr. Laxman Shrestha, Kathmandu
Hans Schibli
Attorney and farmer as well as small livestock breeder with big ambitions
Hans advises on the issues of law and provides tremendous experience and social skills
He is supported by his wife, Beatrix.
Hans Tschirren
Roberto Babst
Creative mind, responsible for logo and campaigns
Eric H. Leake
Translator and donator
Janardan Gautam
Janardan, a native Nepali, lives with his family in Switzerland and operates a travel agency. Fluent in German, English and Nepali, he helps us on sensitive discussions and brings together the cultures of all participants. He takes over the "bridge function" so important to our efforts.
Various persons knowledgeable on Nepal and advisors/participants from aid organizations
Providing their experience and network to

IBAN CH76 0839 0033 7301 1000 5
Alternative Bank Schweiz AG
Amthausquai 21, Postfach, 4601 Olten
Konto lautend auf:
Monika Kohler
7304 Maienfeld